February 6, 2012

Refreshing Pear-Berry Smoothie...Aha.....(and my 1st day at work)

                          Today was my first day at work and it was the day of orientation.From tomorrow I will be starting my work and will be part of a team. It feels good to be back in the industry. I am not sure how often will I get to write a post, but I want to be consistent and continue my blogging and I will be posting at least once a week.  The day of orientation was full of information about the company. What, who, where, how and everything one would like to know about the company. It was exciting, all day long presentations, videos etc etc....

Last Saturday I got a pack of Pears from Costco and you know how many of them come in a pack. :O..... Well many times the calculation of the fruits needed in a week is right but there is always a week when it goes wrong :(...And yes this was the week. Since the pears were getting little juicy I thought I should try a smoothie of it. You know...yogurt and fruits...Well then I remembered that I had some frozen berries and I thought it would be great to add some flavor and color to the pear smoothie. So I added some berries to this. No sugar is needed as both the fruits add enough sweetness. Isn't that great....:)

Well this I would say is the simplest version of the smoothie but its first of a kind for me :).


To make a glass of smoothie

Take 1 whole pear and cut into cubes.
Take 4-5 berries, frozen
Take 1 tbsp of Curd


Blend in all the ingredients in a blender and enjoy :). Add ice cubes if you like. Also you can add the small pieces of pear in the smoothie.

Looks Refreshing.....Isn't it ??? :)



  1. Smoothie looks delicious n loved that color :)
    Congrats on you new job Sayali, wish you all the best and hope you rock in everything you do!!!!!

  2. Congratulations for your new job

  3. Congrats Sayali..Refreshing smoothie, love the color..

  4. Congrats Sayali, yum smoothie..lovely

  5. Congrats!!! Best wishes Sayali, Refreshing smoothie.

  6. This sounds YUMMY..Bookmarked..


  7. Sayali, Congratulations for your new and shiny job, and thank you because I learnt that you need to add curd to your smoothie .. i'll try that tonight .. !

  8. Congratulations on starting work, Good luck and do well.

    Love this smoothie and the beautiful color it has.

  9. Enjoy it new job. Smoothie looks good. Yum!

  10. Sayali, congratulations! The smoothie looks so appetizing! I am following you as well! http://cosmopolitancurrymania.blogspot.com

  11. Hi Sayali, the smoothie looks yummy :-)

  12. Nice Combo Smoothie Dear.Luks real yumm n colourful.

  13. Giving a soothing effect to my eyes....very yum...

  14. I love smoothies since they're so healthy and refreshing! Looks delicious

  15. All the best sayali :) have a great time & lovely drink :)

  16. The smoothie looks yummmy Sayali :-)

  17. Congrats Sayali..Refreshing smoothie, love the pics..nice space vth graet recipes.........

  18. wow .. loads of pears at home .. thanks for sharing .. i will try today

  19. congrats on your job. nice smoothie recipe

  20. wow...........looks really awesome.u made it perfectly......

  21. So colorful...


  22. That looks so delicious, Sayali. You have a gr8 blog! Happy to follow you :)

    Do drop by my space sometime. Would love to hear from you.

    Chef Al dente: ongoing event Gimme GREEN!


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